Automatic Jesus - Folly


Automatic Jesus - Folly

No Description Available! Tribute to Young Fathers! Honestly...when one finds out that there is a King James bible tucked in the middle of the blue freemason pledge book...its hard not to go down the rabbit hole and eventually laugh at the folly of ones brother...and sisters for that matter. Shame on you ladies for being so deceitful! At what moment will those who work in secret learn the evil of their ways...not to mention the folly. Can't be said enough, there is anti-justice in the justice 'society', there is cancer in the cancer 'societies' and there is something I don't and cannot mention is happening in the so called "church" societies of every Ra-Legion. There is no sense to it all. Why are we being so stupid? I'm confused...oh wait...there I go again. Its not what we think it is is it? When you wake up in the morning what is the first thing you think of. When you dream at night do you wake up questioning reality? Why do we stop? Not that this is not real, simply that we are something else aren't we? All critics really all critics are going to the side. Fine by me. No bowing to anything like that is allowed. By law. Should there be any question of what the law is...the notice is posted; Trust in God. None but Christ. Trouble's coming...always has been. Stay safe! Put on strength. Heres to wishing we all meet in the middle!
The world is divorce yourself from it!
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